Cantores Celestes


The offer we present, is an on-line advertising spot to all our sites Twitter, Facebook and our webpage.
Videos for the upper end sponsors that sponsor our video will also be on our YouTube channel.

The advantages for your company are:

  The company visibility is unlimited. There is no advertising period or time limit on the ad. Once

it is posted to the site, it will be present indefinitely.

 Each sponsor, forwards a business card or ad with logo that we put in our printed programme as well as posted on Facebook, and Twitter.

 The advertising sponsorship fee, is a Business Expense and thus 100% deductible.

This is not a Donation. A receipt accordingly will be issued for tax purposes.

 Sponsoring an ad, will not only help boost visibility and sales for the company, but will also
highlight the companies' involvement in support of local groups, an important consideration in
the New Brunswick area.

 While there are always cost considerations, look at your investment cost of posting an ad over
5 years or longer. It is very good value. The cost for posting your company as a video is $500 and this goes on all of the sites as well as our YouTube channel on our video.

$250 gets you an ad in the programme and your ad on Facebook and Twitter. 

For more info:
Facebook: Cantores Celestes
Twitter: @Cantores_choir


For the past 30 years, the Choir’s concerts have consistently attracted an audience of 600-plus people from all over the GTA! These people shop and support retailers and services-both in Bloor West Village and throughout the city. Your sponsorship not only draws customers, but supports the choir.

The cost of admission is very affordable so the concerts are accessible to music lovers of every background. The choir also makes a charitable donation at each concert.

Take advantage of this advertising opportunity, and place your business card in the concert programme. All sponsors receive a tax receipt for advertising costs.